Tuesday, February 23, 2016

#10 Concept Map



8. Understand the cultural trends, religious ideologies and artistic expressions of
 various world cultures through time and place.
a. Assess the impact of the Scientific Revolutions on society and culture. (DOK 3)
b. Cite evidence to illustrate cultural fusion and exchange on an international scale (e.g.,
influence of non-Western cultures on the West, the influence of the West on nonWestern
cultures, and other cross-fertilization between cultures) from the 18th century to
the present. (DOK 2)2011 Mississippi Social Studies Framework
c. Examine cultural artifacts to illustrate the relationship between major artistic trends (e.g.,
Romanticism, Modernism, and Expressionism) in their historical contexts (e.g., political,
intellectual, social, economic). (DOK 2)
d. Analyze the moral and ethical principles in ancient Greek and Roman philosophy, in
Judaism, and in Christianity in the development of Western political thought.
 (DOK 3)

I.       Christianity

Christianity is the largest religion and believes that Jesus Christ is the son of God. Christianity sacred text is the Holy Bible.

A.    One God

1.    Pray to God Regularly

2.    Read The Bible

3.    Worship in a Church

B.        Fully Emerge Baptism

1.    Baptism is consider and sacrifice to God

II.     Islam

A.    The Qur'an

B.    2nd Largest Religion in the world

1.    Pray to Muhammad

2.    Five Pillars of Islam—faith; prayer; fasting; pilgrimage to Mecca; and alms

III.    Hinduism

A.    Worship

1.    Individual at home worship

2.    The Hindu Temple

B.    refer to Hinduism as 'a way of life' or 'a family of religions' rather than a single religion.

1.    Reads the Vedas

IV.    Judaism

Jewish history, beliefs, and traditions were recorded in the Hebrew Bible beginning as early as the 8th century BCE. teaches several doctrines - such as those about God, the Messiah, human beings, and the universe - making beliefs very important to Jews.

A.    Practice Halakhah

1.    Filled with rules and how they can live, dress, and eat.

B.    Jewish house of worship is a Synagogue

V.     Buddhism

A.    Buddhism goes beyond religion and is more of a philosophy or 'way of life

1.    Many different types of Buddhism

B.    Pay respect to Buddha

1.    He was not a God, nor did he claim to be

2.    Bowing to the statue is an expression of gratitude for the teaching.


  1. love the color scheme and the images

  2. Pretty dope concept map

  3. Very detailed and organized! Love the layout, great job!

  4. Your concept map is awesome!! I love that you did religion....how cool! :)

  5. Your concept map looks awesome - so organized! Great job!

  6. Great Job, I liked how you did yours based on high school.

  7. I like the lay out of your outline and concept map

  8. Awesome concept map! If you can make this subject interesting, you're doing great!

  9. like the layout that you chose and love the topic that you chose to talk about

  10. Religion is a tough topic to speak about in schools, but I think it's really cool you chose this.

  11. I like how you arranged the concept map. It is very creative.

  12. I really like how you organized and designed your concept map. I like how each color represents different religions and what they believe. I also like how you put a map of the world and the religions.

  13. A well thought out and organized map. Really appreciated the map showing who has what religion.

  14. I love the information you gave! I didn't know the Qur'an was read from right to left. Great job!

  15. So many details in your concept map and so much interesting information. Especially about the Islamic religion. I never would've thought that they close their stores for prayer. Extremely interesting topic. Great job!!!

  16. I really like how organized your concept map is. I like the map you added, the different links, and how detailed it is.

  17. Great details and explanation of the different religions.

  18. Very good presentation! Love how you included the world map showing the different religions. Really enjoyed it!

  19. Love the map. It straight to the point and simple, because the topic you chose is a hard one to teach and keep students attention

  20. Love your concept map! I do need to take issue with the bit that says Muslims pray to Mohammed. Wile Mohammed is held in a position of reverence, Muslims only pray to Allah.
