Tuesday, February 2, 2016

John Hunter

John Hunter is a very smart man. When he got the job as a gifted teacher John Hunter wanted to teach how he wanted to teach. When he asked his employers what they wanted him to do they said, " What do you want to do." John Hunter wanted to be a teacher that the kids loved and that the kids wanted to be with. John Hunter taught with much love and inspiration. He took the inspiration and love from his past like his mom, his father, and his teachers and wanted to teach his students with that inspiration and love. With John Hunter's inspiration he did not want to be a boring teacher. He created a game called, The World Peace Game. The World Peace Game was based on the wisdom table that was in the principals office. The World Peace Game engaged students to learn history, world peace, global warming, science, countries, armed forces, policies, etc. During the game you are being taught but you are also having fun. If the students come to a point in the game where they do not know what to do, John Hunter has taught them not to ask him but to figure it out themselves. The World Peace Game teaches the students how to get out of a bind. In each World Peace game each of the students finish the game feeling different things, but most of the time they feel like have conquered.

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