Monday, February 1, 2016

Top 10

In the new article, 10 Most Engaging Uses of Tech Integration, the author gives 10 great examples of how to engage students with tech. The article talks about how teachers need to know how to use tech, not tech geeks that know how to teach. The 10 things that the article talks about are 10 things that get the attention of teens today but also engages them. One of the 10 things is audio feedback. audio feedback can be a teacher or a student allowing them to engage and get personal through audio or video. This is a great way because teachers and students have proven that it can be more informational.

In this article, it list the many ways to engage students using tech. I personally loved when the author talked about social media. Social media is a great hunk of teens life in today's time. It is very smart when teachers allow students to engage in learning by using social media. Social media has been proven to have a positive correlation with teens today!

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